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Rules for the 2025-2026 IBT Election
Download Rules for the 2025-2026 IBT International Union Delegate and Officer Election Summary of Updates to theRules for the 2025-2026 IBT International Uni👍 1 -
For Labor Caution is Fatal, Stephen Lerner
Labor faces a contradictory, paradoxical moment. On one hand looms an existential threat, on the other an historic opening. Despite an upsurge in recent organizing and strikes, union density has continued its historic decline — from 35% of the private sector in 1955, to 5.9% today, and only 9.9% overall.👍 1 -
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Amazon Strike, Performative or Substantive?
The world has radically changed over the past four-plus decades. Unions haven’t. Or at least they haven’t changed nearly enough to match what they’re up against. In this context, unionizing Amazon – iconic in status and fanatically anti-union – stands as a definitive challenge for this generation of trade unionists.… -
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