Each of these cochairs come from Locals whose principle officers are on the GEB, TDU is completely subordinate to OZ.
Banning people is just the latest outrage.
Ppl need to stop making TDU more relevant than it is. Being a member of TDU? Why? Anyways this Teamsters shouldn’t have been banned but really let’s stop banging on that door - ain’t anyone home
Not a surprise. The ibt/IIO/tdu tripartite has banned political threats, friends and supporters of political threats, and now tdu is following the pattern. Opposition, even Loyal Opposition has been surpressed so much that no one speaks against the incumbents. Officers are intimidated, and some are bought off for $18k a year stipends. Only Palmer has come out against the sob debacle involving trump. Not one other GEB member has uttered a peep against sob kissing his idles ass, and speaking at the RNC. Unfortunately oz or a version of it will be at the IBT for a long, long time, or until the govt decides it is time for a change. Sad to watch!