It must be nice to travel around the country shaking hands, giving lip service and getting your picture taken on the members dime.
The FaceBook Post, Sean O'Brien
This posting is that of an emotionally insecure man. The members deserve a leader that posseses the discernment to know better. So far weve established he's a bully,liar,thug,masochist,and narcissistic. Great choice to lead the the third largest union in America with slightly over 1 million diverse members. We can do better.Comment
Just an observation, I may be wrong , I’ve been watching and it seems to me that anything questionable that happens in our union is simply ignored.
In this day and age even a perceived threat against a woman by a national figure would be front page news . To do so with a pistol surely elevates the level of concern , yet there is no uproar from anyone within Teamsters or for that fact from anyone in the labor movement .
Tell me if I am mistaken .
So not true! The IBT has gone after Local 853, 117, and JC7 officials for the crimes of doing their jobs during a time that EVERYONE thought it was ok to be doing it the way they were. After the fact, the rules and interpretations changed and political revenge has become the norm. It is called disparate treatment or selective prosecution! It is all the govt/tdu/IIO making sure officers and officials all over the country get the message, that; "oppose oz and get charged, cuz we can take anyone out that we want to!!"Comment
So not true! The IBT has gone after Local 853, 117, and JC7 officials for the crimes of doing their jobs during a time that EVERYONE thought it was ok to be doing it the way they were. After the fact, the rules and interpretations changed and political revenge has become the norm. It is called disparate treatment or selective prosecution! It is all the govt/tdu/IIO making sure officers and officials all over the country get the message, that; "oppose oz and get charged, cuz we can take anyone out that we want to!!"Comment