I was told things got heated yesterday after the vice president announced he was terminated. The local revealed that the vice president was terminated for Credit card fraud and expensive dinners. Makes complete sense. The vice president was groomed under the leadership of local 630 when Kenny was there. If the rumors are true, then this guy deserves everything that is coming to him. Also isn’t this the guy that was just awarded best dressed in Las Vegas at a Teamster conference? What is this high school? Best dressed, most popular, best smile, lol. This is no different than the waste of money that is paid out to Korgan by Cammak. If you spend the members money for your own personal gain then you deserve what you get. Are charges being filed? The other thing to think about is when there’s one messing around with the money, there is usually more names to come.
The rumor was leaked sometime ago from local 63 and 848 that the vice president was thinking about running in the up upcoming election.
The rumor was leaked sometime ago from local 63 and 848 that the vice president was thinking about running in the up upcoming election.