Teamsters Mobilize: Will Pina

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  • OT+
    Senior Member
    • Jan 2023
    • 1540

    Teamsters Mobilize: Will Pina

  • Mr. Teamster
    Senior Member
    • Jul 2023
    • 324

    Socialism-socialist, and we wonder why 60% of the membership wants Donald Trump. I laugh when Teamsters open with that they are socialist.


    • jm481
      jm481 commented
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      The Teamsters website has an entire section on the Minneapolis strike - This was a strike led by socialists, and this strike built the union. In the IBT's words: "The Minneapolis strike of 1934 is widely seen as a pivotal moment for the Teamsters and for the labor movement."

      The lack of socialist leadership today is a major reason why the Teamsters and other unions are in such bad shape and why the union rate is just 6%.

    • Faust
      Faust commented
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      The 1934 Minneapolis Strike was led in fact by socialists, communists and anarchists without the support of the IBT who worked with the government and employers to crush them.

    • AlJackson1962!
      AlJackson1962! commented
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      Capitalism has worked out great for the Capitalists. Socialism shares the value of workers' production, rather than generating obscene wealth for the Capitalists. Red baiting killed the US labor movement.
  • The Direct Line
    Senior Member
    • Jan 2023
    • 116

    Originally posted by Mr. Teamster
    Socialism-socialist, and we wonder why 60% of the membership wants Donald Trump. I laugh when Teamsters open with that they are socialist.
    I laugh when Teamsters open up with a username like Mr. Teamster and then goes off sounding like a business unionist.


  • Mr. Teamster
    Senior Member
    • Jul 2023
    • 324

    Originally posted by The Direct Line

    I laugh when Teamsters open up with a username like Mr. Teamster and then goes off sounding like a business unionist.
    You need to understand how to get into the game. You have to find trade unionists or as you call me (business unionist to like you or you will just be that guy with the obscure user name on a circle jerk forum like this. Or you could learn respect and get into the business.


    • The Direct Line
      The Direct Line commented
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      Yet you are in this "circle jerk forum", the irony.
      I don't want to get "into the business" thank you very much.

    • Mr. Teamster
      Mr. Teamster commented
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      I do it to not only witness the stupidity but actually come in, test the water and rub elbows with people that you look at from afar and wonder if they are real. You idiots are real all right. And it’s comical.
  • DanaCos
    Senior Member
    • Jan 2023
    • 970

    So, what I am being told is that the ACA is a great idea for unions? Why are "Socialists" in the streets screaming for minimum wages and free healthcare for people who don't pay union dues? And, we are saying Capitalism is to blame for this?

    In our UPS contract, it made the Capitalist pay for and administer my healthcare. Now, we have to fund it and pay to administer the fund. In my thinking, I wanted to continue to shove it up the ass of the Capitalist UPS. Socialism worked out great for us. PFFFFFFT!


    • jm481
      jm481 commented
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      Employer health insurance (ACA) is corporate America's idea, it's a direct government handout to private insurers and has led to record profits

      Socialists want government funded health care, rather than government funding to private insurance companies. The insurance companies are existentially opposed to that because they would become obsolete and stop making their record profits. The government and corporate America also don't want single payer/universal because health care right now is close to 20% of U.S. GDP, there's too much money to be made. Making insurance dependent on employment also creates a more dependent workforce that's more afraid of losing their job. And in contract bargaining, the first thing the employer says in response to wage proposals is that it will make health care costs go up. If we had health care that wasn't tied to the employer we could really fight for higher wages.

    • AlJackson1962!
      AlJackson1962! commented
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      The ACA covers millions of people that could not otherwise have healthcare. Its not socialized medicine, its not union health and welfare, its not perfect. But ask people that were denied healthcare before the ACA if they were better off then: including people laid off and unemployed, people with pre-existing medical conditions, etc. Think about them. Its a step in the direction of universal healthcare that covers the rest of the industrialized world.
  • jm481
    • Jun 2024
    • 13

    This is why we need healthcare that is not tied to the employer. From New Seasons Labor Union bargaining. The employer always counters union wage proposals by proposing to increase insurance costs.

